Understanding the SR&ED Program: 5 Key Questions to Ask 

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program stands as a crucial pillar of Canada’s commitment to fostering innovation and technological advancement. To ensure that the work claimed aligns with the program’s definition, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) employs three essential eligibility criteria: scientific or technological advancement, scientific or technological uncertainty, and scientific and technical content. To establish these criteria and determine eligibility, the CRA assesses five fundamental questions that shed light on the nature of the work carried out. 

1. Was there a scientific or technological uncertainty that could not be resolved by standard practice?

The foundation of SR&ED work lies in confronting uncertainties that cannot be addressed through conventional methods. If the work grappled with an uncertainty that standard practices couldn’t eliminate, it aligns with the program’s essence. 

2. Did the effort involve formulating hypotheses aimed at reducing or eliminating the uncertainty?

To qualify as SR&ED, the initiative should encompass the creation of hypotheses designed explicitly to mitigate or eliminate the identified uncertainty. The formulation of these hypotheses is a pivotal aspect of the SR&ED process. 

3. Was the procedure consistent with the scientific method, including formulating, testing, and modifying hypotheses?

The adherence to the scientific method is a hallmark of SR&ED work. This involves the systematic formulation, testing, and refinement of hypotheses to address scientific or technological uncertainties. 

4. Did the process result in a scientific or technological advancement?

The goal of SR&ED work is to achieve scientific or technological advancement. If the undertaken process culminated in a tangible advancement, it signifies alignment with the SR&ED program. 

5. Were records of hypotheses and results maintained as the work progressed?

Maintaining meticulous records of the hypotheses formulated, the methods employed, and the results garnered is vital. These records serve as a testament to the progression of the work and its alignment with SR&ED principles. 

These questions follow the logical progression of SR&ED work, encapsulating the journey from identifying uncertainties to achieving advancements. A resounding “yes” to all of these questions signifies that the work undertaken falls under the purview of SR&ED. 

Considering Context and Expertise: It’s important to recognize that technological uncertainties faced by one company may appear as commonplace knowledge to another. The answers to the aforementioned questions are influenced by various factors, including a company’s technology base, business environment, size, industry, and access to technical resources. 

While these questions form the foundation of SR&ED assessment, successful claims necessitate expertise. At EVAMAX, our seasoned consultants leverage their diverse technological backgrounds and SR&ED program knowledge to distinguish between routine engineering activities and genuine SR&ED work. By partnering with us, businesses can maximize the benefits of the SR&ED program, ensuring that their innovative endeavors receive the recognition and support they deserve. 



EVAMAX identifies all the grants and incentives that are applicable to your company and does the paperwork to get those grants and incentives approved. Stay updated on news related to SRED, technology-driven companies, innovation industries, and business in general through our blog.