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Matching Investment Fund

This program aims to encourage growth and innovation in the manufacturing and use of Canadian dairy products and ingredients.

What Is Matching Investment Fund?

The Matching Investment Fund is a financial program that provides matching funds to support investments made by businesses and organizations. It helps leverage external investments by matching a portion of the capital invested, thereby encouraging economic growth and stimulating investment activities.

Matching Investment Fund Overview

The Matching Investment Fund stimulates economic development and investment by providing matching funds to eligible businesses and organizations. It incentivizes investment in areas such as research and development, infrastructure, and technology adoption, driving economic growth and creating opportunities for job creation, innovation, and business expansion.

By offering matching funds, the program attracts private investment and leverages external funding, encouraging businesses and organizations to pursue strategic initiatives. It provides the financial resources needed to support growth objectives, mitigate risks, and foster the development of vibrant and competitive industries. The Matching Investment Fund plays a vital role in driving economic prosperity and sustainable growth by supporting capital-intensive projects and stimulating increased investment activity.


How Much Funding?

Up to 50%, maximum of $150,000

For small companies (less than 25 employees): up to 100% for the first $10,000 ($5,000 maximum for consulting services), up to 50% for additional costs


Registered Canadian dairy processors, finished food product manufacturers, and food technology centres involved in the development, manufacture and/ or utilisation of Canadian dairy products and ingredients are considered eligible under the MIF:
– Dairy Processor
– Finished Food Product Manufacturer
– Food Technology Centre (FTC):
– Other Organizations



Eligible Activities & Expenditures

Consultation and product development

  • Sub-contractor costs
  • Consulting costs (Up to $25,000)
  • Salaries
  • Material Costs


Ongoing, first-come first served basis

Get Expert Advice and Support

Our team will review your application and provide funding recommendations within a few weeks. If your project is approved, you’ll receive funding to cover a portion of eligible project costs.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Contact EVAMAX today to learn more and start your application process.

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