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CAP Alberta – Products to Markets (Small Projects)

This program is aimed to support the growth of Alberta’s agricultural industries by supporting the development of new products and/or processes, commercialization of products in new markets, and expansion into local, domestic, and international markets.

What Is CAP Alberta – Products to Markets (Small Projects)?

CAP Alberta – Products to Markets (Small Projects) is a program in Alberta, Canada that supports small-scale projects aimed at bringing products to market. It provides funding and assistance to businesses and entrepreneurs to help them commercialize their innovative products and successfully enter the market.

CAP Alberta – Products to Markets (Small Projects) Overview

CAP Alberta – Products to Markets (Small Projects) is an Alberta-based program that assists small-scale projects in commercializing innovative products and entering the market. Through funding and guidance, the program helps businesses and entrepreneurs overcome obstacles and expedite their path from product development to market launch. By focusing on various sectors and supporting innovative solutions, CAP Alberta promotes economic growth, diversification, and entrepreneurship in the province.

The program provides financial resources for activities such as product development, market research, testing, certification, and commercialization strategies. Alongside funding, CAP Alberta – Products to Markets offers valuable expertise, mentorship, and networking opportunities to refine business models, strengthen market presence, and seize growth prospects. By facilitating successful product commercialization, empowering small businesses, and enhancing competitiveness, the program significantly contributes to Alberta’s economic growth and positions the province favorably in the global market.


How Much Funding?

– Up to 25% for capital expenses
– Up to 50% for non-capital expenses
– Maximum of $50,000/year (minimum $1000)


– Processors
– Industry organizations
– New entrant farming or processing businesses
– Producers that are adding value past primary agricultural production or involved in International market development activities
-operating in Alberta


Eligible Activities & Expenditures

– development of New Products/Processes
– commercialization of products in New Markets
– expansion into local/domestic/international markets

– Contractor or service costs
– New Market certification fees
– Material costs (consumed/transformed)
– New equipment or software costs
– Travel costs
– Other direct costs deemed eligible


Closed since 2018

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Our team will review your application and provide funding recommendations within a few weeks. If your project is approved, you’ll receive funding to cover a portion of eligible project costs.

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