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Revolutionizing Business Operations: The Power of Data Science Automation

In the fast-paced realm of business, harnessing the power of data has become synonymous with success. Companies embracing data science seek to enhance their operations, but the journey is often marred by complexity and time constraints. According to Ryohei Fujimaki, CEO of dotData, a mere 4% of companies successfully implement business intelligence and artificial intelligence, […]

CanExport SMEs: The Key to Unlocking your Businesses’ Global Market Potential

CanExport SMEs provides funding to small and medium sized companies to help with international marketing activities. The program’s main objective is to promote current goods and services in international markets via exporting them. The program is run by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS), Global Affairs Canada in collaboration with the National Research Council of […]

Sustainable CAP: Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative

The agriculture and agri-food sector provide one in eight jobs and account for more than six percent of Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative (the Initiative) seeks to help the agri-food industry’s development and productivity by promoting innovation, advanced manufacturing, greater food safety and cybersecurity, and energy efficiency. Through investments in plant […]

Maritimes Funding Opportunities: ACOA, ECO, GTO, and CCF

A wide range of funding opportunities are available to innovative enterprises in the Maritimes provinces. The funding opportunities outlined within this article fall into a variety of buckets related to innovation. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA): The ACOA works to create growth opportunities by supporting businesses in efforts to become more competitive, innovative, and productive. […]

IET Business Development Support Program

In order to support Newfoundland and Labrador’s growing economy, the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (IET) leads innovation, economic development, and diversification in Nova Scotia. This organization achieves this by developing a competitive environment, supporting private sector investment and business development, as well as key industries. In Newfoundland and Labrador, mentioned key industries include […]

Graduate to Opportunity: Recent Grad Wage Funding from the Government of Nova Scotia

Retaining young talent within Nova Scotia is a crucial way to encourage a stronger and sustainable workforce. In order to support this goal, the Government of Nova Scotia has created the Graduate to Opportunity (GTO). This program offers a salary incentive to businesses, making it easier to hire recent graduates. Hiring recent graduates is a […]

ECO Canada Employment Funding Programs

The Environmental Careers Organization of Canada, ECO Canada, is a strategic workforce solutions partner. This organization provides a variety of employment related services including job creation, wage funding, training, market research and more. One of the ways that ECO Canada works towards their vision of building the world’s leading environmental workforce is through the provision […]

The ACOA Atlantic Innovation Fund; Creating New Products and Services in Atlantic Canada 

he Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, is an agency which works to develop opportunities for growth in the Atlantic region. The ACOA supports businesses in becoming more competitive, innovative, and productive. Relationships with diverse communities are prioritized to diversify and develop local economies, furthering the strengths of the region. The ACOA achieves these goals by […]

Unleashing Growth: Leveraging Canadian Government Grants for Business Development 

In the dynamic landscape of business, securing adequate funding is a perpetual challenge, especially for companies engaged in research and development or those seeking to commercialize innovative ideas. In Canada, the government’s array of Innovation Grants opens doors for businesses across various sectors and sizes. This article delves into the transformative power of Canadian government […]